Prop 135 - Arizona Ballot Initiatives 2024 - Better Together Arizona

In this episode of the Better Together Arizona podcast, ONE Community President & Co-Founder Angela Hughey is joined by Executive Director of the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission, Tom Collins.

Angela and Tom discuss AZ Prop 135, a 2024 Arizona ballot measure about declaring emergencies. Prop 135 would limit the Governor’s power over state-of-emergency declarations and give more related power to the legislature. Additionally, a state of emergency would expire after 30 days unless extended by lawmakers. Exceptions include war-related emergencies and fire and flood emergencies. 



Arguments against Prop 135: This proposal will add red tape and unnecessary legislative meddling. The legislature already has passed a law giving them the ability to review public health emergencies after 120 days. A 30 day limit will hamper ongoing actions to address an emergency.

Arguments for Prop 135: State governors have too much unchecked power in the face of an emergency. This proposal to limit declarations to 30 days absent legislative approval ensures proper oversight.