Prop 140 (Make Elections Fair Act) - Arizona Ballot Initiatives 2024 - Better Together Arizona
The Arizona Make Elections Fair, also known as AZ Prop 140, will create open primaries for all voters, regardless of party affiliation. Learn about 2024 ballot propositions.
In this episode of the Better Together Arizona podcast, ONE Community President & Co-Founder Angela Hughey is joined by Local First AZ CEO & Founder, Kimber Lanning and CEO of Goodmans, Adam Goodman. The panel goes into detail on proposition 140, one of the 2024 Arizona ballot initiatives. Prop 140 is also known as “Make Elections Fair Arizona,” including arguments for and against the ballot measure.
Proposition 140 would amend the Arizona Constitution to open primaries to all voters, regardless of party affiliation. All candidates would appear on the same ballot, and that ballot would be sent to all registered voters.
✅ Arguments for Prop 140: The number of independent voters is only growing in Arizona, with more and more people, including younger generations, trending to register as independent. Prop 140 will allow independent voters to more easily participate in Arizona primary elections and assist Arizonans in passing responsive election reforms.
❌ Arguments against Prop 140: Our current primary system for partisan offices should be preserved. Open primaries can make ballots longer and more complex. The existing primary system ensures equal and fair representation of each registered party so their voters have a voice in the General Election.